I know exactly what you’re thinking, “I’m trying to study for my exams, work on my homework, raise children and work all simultaneously–how can I find time to fill out a nursing scholarship application?”

Yes, the process can be daunting however if you set aside 30 minutes twice a week and get organized you’ll find the resources are right at your fingertips. How to start?

1.  Set up a nursing scholarship application plan

  • How many nurse scholarships will you apply for?
  • What are the requirements/criteria for each?

2.  Research the nursing scholarships

There are websites in addition to this one that have scholarships organized.  A great helpful site with some nursing scholarship listings http://www.discovernursing.com/

There are nursing scholarships through your association membership.  Remember there are so many, the key is to get a nursing scholarship checklist going with:  deadline dates, criteria (make sure you qualify) and completed /mailed out date section.

3.  Assemble your nursing scholarship application packet

Remember each nursing scholarship has their own set of criteria including securing recommendation letters.  So now’s the time to ask for recommendation letters, copies of transcripts, craft your essay and other items as requested in the application.  Please remember when securing your recommendation letters to allow for ample time for your professor/recommender to write them!

4.  Get ready, set and mail them out

Now that you’ve identified your scholarship checklist and assembled your packet, it’s time to mail them out and on time!  Double check your checklist and watch out for application deadlines.

Before you know it, it’s done and hopefully in a few months time you’ll have been honored with an award!

Best of luck to you!

Did you get any nursing scholarships?  Share which nursing scholarship was awarded to you below!